Несмотря на непростое время, желаем не терять бодрость и веселость, не унывать, чаще улыбаться, находить положительные моменты в любой ситуации. Отличного вам настроения и не забудьте поднять его своим близким веселым и добрым розыгрышем!
Day and night
I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind
I look for peace but see I don't attain
What I need for keeps this silly game we play .. play
Now look at this
Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me
I try to run but see I'm not that fast
I think I'm first but surely finish last .. last
Cause day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone, through the day and night
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)
Day and night
The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night
He's all alone some things will never change (never change)
The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night (at, at, at night)
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