Несмотря на непростое время, желаем не терять бодрость и веселость, не унывать, чаще улыбаться, находить положительные моменты в любой ситуации. Отличного вам настроения и не забудьте поднять его своим близким веселым и добрым розыгрышем!
He gets further away (stop thief somebody hey)
Yeah yeah (he just stole her heart and he's gettin' away)
With every step that you take (call up the romance police)
Yeah yeah (he's got deep blue eyes, he's disturbing the peace)
Changin' he's been actin' strange
He talks but what's he saying
Heaven knows let him go
Cheatin' and you're never gonna beat him
Just shake him like a demon
Make him go watch him go oh
Does anyone love anyone anymore
Does anyone love anyone anymore
Take what they want, take it and run out the door oh
Исполнитель и название полного трека:
Lissie - Further away (Romance Police)
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